Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Origin of Bettas

Red Dragon Halfmoon Plakat

Bettas are some of the most attractive species of fish when it comes to fresh water hobbyists. What caught my attention is not just their inumerable colors but also their interesting behaviors.

Green Mask Halfmoon Plakat

These fish called Plakats come in four different species, Betta Splendens (Plakat Thai), Betta Imbellis, Betta Smaragdina (Green Plakat) and a new species called Betta Mahachai though this last species is still under debate whether it is a real species or a hybrid.

Wild Betta Splendens

Wild Betta Imbellis
Betta Smaragdina

Betta Mahachai

The modern Plakats, especially the show plakats are the combination of two or three of these species, they have been selected for color and for beauty. The Traditional show plakat has the same body as its wild ancestors, while the modern show types called HMPK's (Halfmoon Plakats) have caudal fins reaching an angel of 180 degrees and a well trimmed fins.

Yellow Traditional Show Plakat

Mustard Gas Halfmoon Plakat

The other decendant of the wild Bettas are the Real Fighters. These fish are known to the west as "Fighting Fish" because they are very pugnacious, males cannot be put in the same container because they will eventually hurt each other badly. Because of their agressive traits they have been sought after by a lot of people, this is due to the fact that these territorial instincts have been amplified through selective breeding by the thai people for hundreds of years . But do not feel bad about it, actually they are very easy to keep if you know the rules.
1. Keep their tank clean : Clean their water every three days, twice a week.
2. Don't keep two fish in one tank: females can be kept together but they can hurt each other sometimes, two males will try to kill each other.
3. Don't over feed them: give them enough that they can eat within 2 mins, only feed them once or twice a day.
4. Leave them be: Don't try to move them around the room frequently, bettas like peace and quiet.
5. Appreciate them: This is my favorite part, just sit there relax and watch their behavior unfold.

Male Fighter Plakat flaring to an enemy in the back ground

These fish are labyrinth fishes members of the Anabantid Family, that means they dont need costly aerators to live, infact they can be housed in a small display Jar or Pet home like the image below.

A male Veiltail betta inside a small tank
As I said in the first part of this article, Bettas come in almost all the colors of the rainbow and more. There are are also several strains that have very distinct tails. This blog will concentrate more on Real Fighters and the Show type Plakats which have very short yet very attractive fins.
Male Show type Lavender Halfmoon Plakat

Male Red-Blue Fighter Plakat

Plakat is the Thai name for these fish, which means biting fish in the local Thai tongue. In the wild they live in brakish to stagnant water, often found in rice paddies and fresh water pools. Children often catch them after school and bring them home as pets, thats how the thai's love affair with these fish began.

Village Men watching a Betta Fight
Men from the village gather each Sunday to Participate in Plakat competitions, often the best fighters in the village are put against each other and are watched intently by the men who even bet money during these fights. They were kept in Earthened jars in the past that is why they domesticated ones are called Plakat Morh, Morh being the thai word for Jar.